The Choice is Yours...or is it?
*photo credit: Katie Jones
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears"
~ Nelson Mandela
Everyone just absolutely loves to express how they feel about this topic. We are going to discuss information surrounding vaccinations, COVID-19 vaccine to be specific. I am going to look at both sides of the issue; then express my own personal thoughts. Feel to leave a comment in the comment section to express your own opinions.
The Facts | The Craps |
Nearly all the ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are also ingredients in many foods – fats, sugars, and salts. | The ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous. |
Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity to COVID-19 than getting sick with COVID-19. | The natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination. |
COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging. | COVID-19 vaccines cause variants. |
Anyone can report events to VAERS, even if it is not clear whether a vaccine caused the problem. Because of this, VAERS data alone cannot determine if the reported adverse event was caused by a COVID-19 vaccination. | All events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) are caused by vaccination. |
mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, work differently than other types of vaccines, but they still trigger an immune response inside your body. | The mRNA vaccine is not considered a vaccine. |
COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips. Vaccines are developed to fight against disease and are not administered to track your movement. | COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips. |
Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination which is usually your arm. | Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine can make you magnetic. |
Vaccine shedding is the release or discharge of any of the vaccine components in or outside of the body and can only occur when a vaccine contains a live weakened version of the virus. | COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States shed or release their components. |
COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way. | COVID-19 vaccines can alter my DNA. |
* Information obtained off the CDC website.
"We are in this together-and we will get through this together". ~ States' Attorney General
It seems that people are always quick to judge everyone and the choices we make. No matter how hard you try, you will always have someone upset at the choices that make. Well I am here to tell you f*ck 'em. Getting vaccinated for COVID-19 should be your choice. However, I do not like the phrase "I was forced". I personally feel like no one is being forced to get the vaccine (*see the definition below for the word forced). I prefer to say "you are being forced to make a tough decision. It saddens me to see and read about all of these people that have lost their jobs due to this topic. We Americans and we should have the freedom to decide.
This is where my opinions and thoughts come out. I am vaccinated Hubby is vaccinated...Thing 1 and Thing 2 will NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19. Why? Let me tell yah. The reason we have decided to not vaccine the children is simply because there is a sliver of fear that the vaccine could have lasting affects. There has not been much study to determine what kind of futre reactions one may have due to the vaccine.
If you want to vaccinate your child, more power to yah and you are entitled to make the tough choice. I won't judge. Everyone has their own reason for the choices that they make.
The choice is yours, will you vaccinate yourself and children?
*Force - "make someone do something against their will" and "coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence"
The important thing to remember when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine is EDUCATE yourself and think really hard before you make any choices. Like Not Your Mama says "the choice is yours". Don't let anyone else tell you how to live your life and no need to explain to others why you make the choices that you do.